Hello, beautiful people! I'm Selina, the Founder and Formulator of all Green Bean Skincare products. My story is simple, I am an avid ingredient list reader, haha. From the foods that I eat to the products that I use, I truly care about what I put into my body. Like most people though, I struggled to read and understand complex ingredient lists and descriptions. So, I decided to enroll in an accredited skincare formulation school. The result? I fell in love with the world of botanical ingredients used in skincare and became a certified organic skincare formulator. Soon after that, Green Bean Skincare was conceived.

It is now my endeavor to create high quality, all natural skincare products formulated with performance botanical ingredients used at the most effective levels that truly nourish and beautify the skin, for discernible results - engendering confidence. I am committed to product education, as such I am currently undertaking accredited CPD training to stay up to date with the superior EU Cosmetic Standards and to uphold my commitment to offer you the very BEST.

I believe that skincare is self-care and that your skin is an investment, not an expense. Green Bean Skincare delivers skincare that is powerfully effective - packed with ingredients found in nature. For skincare that you can actually understand, value, and trust ᡣ𐭩

Thank you for a beautiful 2023, our first year in business!